Research Access - equity for all
Over the past few years, I've been advocating to create a more even playing field for historians who do research and scholarship outside of academia. For all scholars, access to a decent university library can make or break their prospects as scholars. It is our intellectual life blood.
To push this cause, I served on the governing Council of the American Historical Association, the nation's largest and oldest professional organization of historians. I served a three-year term on the Research Division from 2017-2020, which gave me a platform to push for equitable research access. We made some strides. The AHA gets it, and served as an excellent partner in this fight. One of my parting accomplishments was to co-write and get Council endorsement of the AHA Statement on Research Access, adopted in January 2020. This is now an official AHA position.
Click through below to read more about this work:
"Research Access and Scholarly Equity," with James Grossman, January 10, 2020, Perspectives on History, AHA newsmagazine.
"My Journey Through the Research Access Crisis," March 5, 2019, UCLA Center for the Study of Women blogsite.
"Locked Out: Research Access as a Challenge for the Discipline," Aug 6, 2018, Perspectives on History, AHA newsmagazine.
James Grossman, "Access to Digital Resources: Mapping the Landscape of a Problem," April 2, 2018, Perspectives on History, AHA newsmagazine.